
ASTM Coal 2002 (Metode Sampling dan Lab)

on Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Download Metode Sampling dan Laboratorium (ASTM Coal - 2002)
Berikut ini adalah daftar isi dari Metode Sampling dan Lab Batubara yang ada di atas.

  1. D121-Standard Terminology of Coal and Coke
  2. D167-Standard Test Method for Apparent and True Specific Gravity and Porosity of Lump Coke
  3. D197-Standard Test Method for Sampling and Fineness Test of Pulverized Coal
  4. D291-Standard Test Method for Cubic Foot Weight of Crushed Bituminous Coal
  5. D293-Standard Test Method for the Sieve Analysis of Coke
  6. D346-Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis
  7. D388-Standard Classification of Coals by Rank
  8. D409-Standard Test Method for Grindability of Coal by the Hardgrove-Machine Method
  9. D440-Standard Test Method of Drop Shatter Test for Coal
  10. D441-Standard Test Method of Tumbler Test for Coal
  11. D720-Standard Test Method for Free-Swelling Index of Coal
  12. D1412-Standard Test Method for Equilibrium Moisture of Coal at 96 to 97 Percent Relative Humidity and 30 deg Celcius
  13. D1756-Standard Test Method for Determination as Carbon Dioxide of Carbonate Carbon in Coal
  14. D1757-Standard Test Method for Sulfate Sulfur in Ash from Coal and Coke
  15. D1857-Standard Test Method for Fusibility of Coal and Coke Ash
  16. D2013-Standard Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis
  17. D2014-Standard Test Method for Expansion or Contraction of Coal by the Sole-Heated Oven
  18. D2234 D2234M-Standard Practice for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal 
  19. D2361-Standard Test Method for Chlorine in Coal
  20. D2492-Standard Test Method for Forms of Sulfur in Coal
  21. D2639-Standard Test Method for Plastic Properties of Coal by the Constant-Torque Gieseler Plastometer
  22. D2797-Standard Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Microscopical Analysis by Reflected Light
  23. D2798-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of the Reflectance of Vitrinite in a Polished Specimen of Coal
  24. D2799-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Volume Percent of Physical Components of Coal
  25. D2961-Standard Test Method for Single-Stage Total Moisture Less than 15% in Coal Reduced to 2.36mm
  26. D3038-Standard Test Method for Drop Shatter Test for Coke
  27. D3172-Standard Practice for Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke
  28. D3173-Standard Test Method for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke
  29. D3174-Standard Test Method for Ash in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke from Coal
  30. D3175-Standard Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke
  31. D3176-Standard Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke
  32. D3177-Standard Test Method for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke
  33. D3178-Standard Test Method for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke
  34. D3179-Standard Test Method for Nitrogen in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke
  35. D3180-Standard Practice for Calculating Coal and Coke Analyses from As-Determined to Different Basis
  36. D3302-Standard Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal
  37. D3402-Standard Test Method for Tumbler Test for Coke
  38. D3682-Standard Test Method for Major and Minor Elements in Combustion Residues from Coal Utilization Processes
  39. D3683-Standard Test Method for Trace Elements in Coal and Coke Ash by Atomic Absorption
  40. D3684-Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal by the Oxygen Bomb Combustion (Atomic Absorption Method)
  41. D3761-Standard Test Method for Total Fluorine in Coal by the Oxygen Bomb Combustion (Ion Selective Electrode Method)
  42. D3997-Standard Practice for Preparing Coke Samples for Microscopical Analysis by Reflected Light
  43. D4182-Standard Practice for Evaluation of Laboratories Using ASTM Procedures in the Sampling and Analysis of Coal and Coke
  44. D4208-Standard Test Method for Total Chlorine in Coal by the Oxygen Bomb Combustion (Ion Selective Electrode Method)
  45. D4239-Standard Test Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke Using High-Temperature Tube Furnace Combustion Method
  46. D4326-Standard Test Method for Major and Minor Elements in Coal and Coke Ash by X-Ray Fluorescence
  47. D4371-Standard Test Method for Determining the Washability Characteristics of Coal
  48. D4596-Standard Practice for Collection of Channel Samples of Coal in a Mine
  49. D4606-Standard Test Method for Determination of Arsenic and Selenium in Coal by the Hydride Generation (Atomic Absorption Method)
  50. D4621-Standard Guide for Quality Management in an Organization That Samples or Tests Coal and Coke
  51. D4702-Standard Guide for Inspecting Crosscut, Sweep-Arm, and Auger Mechanical Coal-Sampling Systems for Conformance with Current ASTM Standards
  52. D4749-Standards Test Method for Performing the Sieve Analysis of Coal and Designating Coal Size
  53. D4915-Standard Guide for Manual Sampling of Coal from Tops of Railroad Cars
  54. D5016-Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Ash from Coal, Coke, and Residues from Coal Combustion Using High-Temperature Tube Furnace Combustion Method with Infrared Absorption
  55. D5061-Standard Test Method for Microscopical Determination of Volume Percent of Textural Components in Metallurgical Coke
  56. D5114-Standard Test Method for Laboratory Froth Floatation of Coal in a Mechanical Cell
  57. D5142-Standard Test Method for Proximate Analysis of the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke by Instrumental Procedures
  58. D5192-Standard Practice for Collection of Coal Samples from Core
  59. D5263-Standard Test Method for Determining the Relative Degree of Oxidation in Bituminous Coal by Alkali Extraction
  60. D5341-Standard Test Method for Measuring Coke Reactivity Index (CRI) and Coke Strength After Reaction (CSR)
  61. D5373-Standard Test Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Laboratory Samples of Coal and Coke
  62. D5515-Standard Test Method for Determination of the Swelling Properties of Bituminous Coal Using a Dilatometer
  63. D5671-Standard Practice for Polishing and Etching Coal Samples for Microscopical Analysis by Reflected Light
  64. D5865-Standard Test Method for Gross Calorific Value of Coal and Coke
  65. D5987-Standard Test Method for Total Fluorine in Coal and Coke by Pyrohydrolytic Extraction and Ion Selective Electrode or Ion Chromatograph Methods
  66. D6315-Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Coal from Tops of Barges
  67. D6316-Standard Test Method for Determination of Total, Combustible and Carbonate Carbon in Solid Residues from Coal and Coke
  68. D6347 D6347M-Standard Test Method for Determination of Bulk Density of Coal Using Nuclear Backscatter Depth Density Methods
  69. D6349-Standard Test Method for Determination of Major and Minor Elements in Coal, Coke, and Solid Residues from Combustion of Coal and Coke by Inductively Coupled Plasma—Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  70. D6357-Standard Test Method for Determination of Trace Elements in Coal, Coke, and Combustion Residues from Coal Utilization Processes by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  71. D6414-Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and Coal Combustion Residues by Acid Extraction or Wet Oxidation (Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption)
  72. D6518-Standard Practice for Bias Testing a Mechanical Coal Sampling System
  73. D6542-Standard Practice for Tonnage Calculation of Coal in a Stockpile
  74. D6543-Standard Guide to the Evaluation of Measurements Made by On-Line Coal Analyzers
  75. D6609-Standard Guide for Part-Streaming Sampling of Coal
  76. D6610-Standard Practice for Manually Sampling Coal from Surfaces of a Stockpile
  77. D6721-Standard Test Method for Determination of Chlorine in Coal by Oxidative Hydrolysis Microcoulometry
  78. D6722-Standard Testing Method for Total Mercury in Coal and Coal Combustion Residues by Direct Combustion Analysis
  79. D6796-Standard Practice for Production of Coal, Coke, and Coal Combustion Samples for Interlaboratory Studies
  80. D6883-Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Stationary Coal from Railroad Cars, Barges, Trucks, or Stockpiles                                                                              

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Daftar SNI Batubara

     Download Kumpulan SNI Batubara
    Berikut ini adalah daftar isi dari Kumpulan SNI Batubara yang ada di atas.
    1. 13-4703-1998 (Penentuan kadar debu di udara dengan penangkap debu jatuh)
    2. 13-6350-2000 (Demarkasi di lorong jalan pintas daerah bebas rintangan dan tempat penyimpanan barang)
    3. 13-6351-2000 (Rambu-rambu jalan di area pertambangan)
    4. 13-6618-2001 (Metode penghitungan tingkat kekerapan dan tingkat keparahan cedera akibat kerja di pertambangan umum)
    5. 13-6619-2001 (Penggolongan dan pencatatan cedera akibat kerja di pertambangan umum)
    6. 13-6672-2002 (Buku tambang)
    7. 13-6673-2002 (Persyaratan pengoperasian kendaraan ringan di area tambang)
    8. 3766_SNI ISO 14015_2009 (Manajemen lingkungan - Asesmen lingkungan pada Tapak dan Organisasi (EASO))
    9. 4242_SNI 03-6966-2003 (Spesifikasi saluran air hujan pracetak berlubang untuk lingkungan pemukiman)
    10. 4261_SNI 13-7081-2005 (Investigasi kecelakaan tambang)
    11. 5839_SNI 05-3330-1994 (Pipa saringan sumur bor untuk air, minyak dan gas)
    12. 9912_SNI 13-6975-2003 (Pertambangan - Prosedur pemeriksaaan kasus lingkungan)
    13. 12951_SNI 7571-2010 (Baku tingkat getaran peledakan pada kegiatan tambang terbuka terhadap bangunan)
    14. 13831_SNI 13-6984-2004 (Industri minyak dan gas bumi - Material, peralatan dan struktur platform untuk industri minyak dan gas bumi - Peralatan pemboran dan produksi - _ - Desain, manufaktur dan prosedur pengujian)
    15. 16336_SNI 13-6985-2004 (Industri minyak dan gas bumi - Material, peralatan dan struktur platform untuk industri minyak dan gas bumi - Peralatan pemboran dan produksi - _ - Bagian 2 - Inspeksi pemeliharaan dan reparasi)
    16. 25181_SNI 13-6978.1-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus geologi - Bagian 1- Teknisi pengeboran air bawah tanah)
    17. 28636_SNI 13-6978.3-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus geologi - Bagian 3- Teknisi pengeboran eksplorasi)
    18. 14489_SNI 13-6979.1-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 1 - Manajer keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja)
    19. 32706_SNI 13-6979.2-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 2- Penyurvei tambang)
    20. 26166_SNI 13-6979.3-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 3 - Juru bor peledakan)
    21. 13838_SNI 13-6979.4-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 4 - Juru ledak penambangan bahan galian)
    22. 19587_SNI 13-6979.5-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga khusus pertambangan - Bagian 5 - Operator peremuk batuan)
    23. 30418_SNI 13-6979.6-2003 (Kompetensi kerja tenaga teknis khusus pertambangan - Bagian 6 - Teknisi revegetasi tambang)
    24. 15415_SNI 03-6250-2000 (Tata cara penentuan kualitas tanah pada lahan bekas tambang untuk revegetasi)
    25. 15924_SNI 7570-2010 (Baku tingkat kebisingan pada kegiatan pertambangan terhadap lingkungan)
    26. 16461_SNI 13-6983-2004 (Prosedur pelaksanaan dan pelaporan dalam penyelidikan pendahuluan dan penyelidikan pendahuluan lanjutan panas bumi)
    27. 16898_SNI 13-7170-2006 (Penentuan kapasitas penetralan asam (KPA) untuk material tambang)
    28. 18091_SNI 03-1733-2004 (Tata cara perencanaan lingkungan perumahan di perkotaan)
    29. 18915_SNI 13-7082-2005 (Tata cara penimbunan lapisan penutup pada kegiatan penambangan batubara)
    30. 19787_SNI ISO 14031_2009 (Manajemen lingkungan - Evaluasi kinerja lingkungan - Panduan)
    31. 20843_SNI 19-7167-2006 (Delineator di jalan wilayah pertambangan)
    32. 21198_SNI 19-19011-2005 (Panduan audit sistem manajemen mutu dan atau lingkungan)
    33. 21626_SNI 13-7083-2005 (Tata cara induksi keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja (K3) pertambangan)
    34. 22306_SNI 13-7080-2005 (Inventarisasi keanekaragaman hayati pada kegiatan pertambangan umum)
    35. 22849_SNI 13-7169-2006 (Istilah dan definisi lingkungan hidup pertambangan)
    36. 23428_SNI 03-6968-2003 (Spesifikasi fasilitas tempat bermain di ruang terbuka lingkungan rumah susun sederhana)
    37. 23441_SNI 19-14004-2005 (Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Panduan umum tentang prinsip, sistem dan teknik pendukung)
    38. 23486_SNI 03-7013-2004 (Tata cara perencanaan fasilitas lingkungan rumah susun sederhana)
    39. 24626_SNI 2436_2008 (Tata cara pencatatan dan identifikasi hasil pengeboran inti)
    40. 28568_SNI 03-6981-2004 (Tata cara perencanaan lingkungan perumahan sederhana tidak bersusun di daerah perkotaan)
    41. 28815_SNI 7568-2010 (Glosarium eksplorasi mineral dan batubara)
    42. 29702_SNI 7498_2008 (Kompor Briket Batubara)
    43. 30262_SNI 13-7121-2005 (Penyelidikan potensi air tanah skala 1:100.000 atau lebih besar)
    44. 30676_SNI 03-7166-2006 (Manajemen tanggap siaga untuk keadaan darurat di kegiatan usaha pertambangan)
    45. 30977_SNI 03-6376-2000 (Tata cara pembuatan sumur uji secara manual)
    46. 31102_SNI 19-1938-1990 (Lembar data bibliografi laporan)
    47. 31408_SNI 13-6976-2003 (Pertambangan - Prosedur parkir kendaraan di daerah tambang)
    48. 31772_SNI 19-14001-2005 (Sistem manajemen lingkungan - Persyaratan dan panduan penggunaan)
    49. 32697_SNI 03-6969-2003 (Metode pengujian untuk pengukuran panjang beton inti hasil pengeboran)
    50. SNI 13-5014-1998 (Klasifikasi Sumber Daya dan Cadangan BB)
    51. SNI 13-6011-1999 (Klasifikasi Sumber Daya dan Cadangan Batubara)
    52. SNI 13-7122-2005 (Prosedur Pelaksanaan dan Pelaporan Penyelidikan Panas Bumi - Tahap penyelidikan Rinci)
    53. SNI_13_6606_2001 (Tata cara umum penyusunan laporan eksplorasi bahan galian)
    54. SNI_13-6675-2002 (Pengawasan eksplorasi bahan galian)
    55. SNI_4691_1998 (Penyusunan Peta Geologi)                                                   

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